
August News 2024

Nazar Family

As you know we just returned from Australia where we were ministering East Coast, West Coast and South Coast for a month. We had 25 wonderful services with healings and miracles. I never tire of God’s miracles. Only home a few days then off to the Central American nation of Honduras.

The first time I was in San Pedro Sula, Honduras was 49 years ago. I was 25 and we had 25,000 people in the crowd. The tremendous supernatural miracles were so many we could not count them… the blind eyes and deaf ears opened were so constant and often we almost considered them commonplace. I had to repent for that!  

This trip we both ministered at the Annual World Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI). Renee ministered to some 3,500 ladies on the Ladies Day ministry. I was asked to also minister to all the International Directors from 6 continents on “How to Minister the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to People.” Not only did I minister to them on the subject, but I called for those directors who had not received this wonderful gift and who did not speak in tongues and some 100 directors and others received.  

 There were thousands in attendance at each service and I preached an open-air crusade in the Olympic Stadium. I was told the crowd was close to 20,000 people. I’m still waiting for accurate numbers on healings and salvations. Even though it rained, the people continued to come, and they stayed, and they were not disappointed.  Thousands were born again and healed and received miracles, to God be the glory! Miracles in the rain! While in Honduras we preached at a church for longtime friends, Pastors Edward and Sarah Nazar. We heard their great testimonies of Supernatural Childbirth! (Family Photo Shown Above.)

Returning from Honduras we were privileged to attend Kenneth Copeland’s Southwest Believers’ Convention, SWBC. For 56 years when I have returned from ministry overseas, and pouring out, I have attended a conference or ministry and gotten filled up again. All the speakers were on point. Renee and I enjoyed the meetings and seeing lots of old friends and partners.  

Many partners and friends continue to ask about our upcoming Pastor’s Conference in Israel. I received a call recently that caused a date change, so the September dates are now the last week of November. Please continue to bathe this ministry, which will take place in the Land of the Bible, in prayer.

Seventy Jewish ministers are registered to attend and are very interested and hungry for someone to teach the Word of Faith to them. I felt like, this trip, I should pay their hotel and food expenses, as I do for pastors in third world nations, which of course shot our budget way up. We will hold this vital and potentially nation changing conference in the coast city of Ashdod, between Gaza and Tel Aviv. Ashdod is one of the oldest cities of the world, dating back 4,000 years and having watched the rise and fall of empires. Its name in Hebrew means stronghold, or fortress and well it has been. The Israeli pastors are saying this meeting is a miracle, as trying to gather “believing Jews” has been extremely difficult over the years. But the “Word of Faith” message is drawing and exciting them.

Our budget is considerable as they usually are. We are looking at $60,000.00 for the pastors and the hotel and venue. That doesn’t include Renee’s and my expenses of course or the miscellaneous expenses that always crop up. We are then believing for $80,000.00 to totally cover this critical trip at this critical time! Very rarely do Christians ministering in Israel invite or offer salvation to the orthodox Jews, but we will and always do. Jesus said to the Jews of His day, “No man comes to the Father but by Me.”

If you would like to go with us, we need to know ASAP to hold your room. Late November is a busy month there and of course you would miss Thanksgiving, as Renee and I have many times. We are not doing an organized tour or anything like that. This is a ministry trip. Please put time in prayer and of course if the Lord leads you to invest into Israel and these precious ministers, please do so. As you know, Renee and I don’t ask for ourselves ever, but I do depend on you and our faithful partners to help pastors and widows, the poor and orphans. Just think, if a number of us gave one thousand or multiple thousands we could knock it out quickly! I know many cannot do that and every gift of any size counts. All I ask is that we don’t rob Peter to pay Paul. If you are a regular partner with Terry Mize Ministries, please do not simply switch your funds from one to the other. Find out more about how to give on our website: https://www.terrymize.com/give.

We will be ministering in Mexico and attending Wayne Myers, my spiritual father, 102nd birthday the last of August.

Our second project, along with the Israel ministry is the purchase of a new vehicle for the ministry so Renee and I can continue to be where we need to minister. We have funds in the bank and are getting closer to the purchase price. Thank you to those who have given and if you are led and are wanting to help finish this worthy project, please do so, marking your gift “for new vehicle.”

We love you and pray for you daily. Remember a new program is up every Thursday on YouTube and other platforms. Terry Mize Ministries, “More Than Conquerors.”

For the World that cost Jesus His Blood and God His Son,
Terry L. Mize