January 2025

Renee and I trust that you had a wonderful Christmas and a happy and blessed start to this New Year, the year of our Lord 2025.
We have, of course, just come out of our major project, the Christmas Orphan Project, and it was a great success thanks to our great God and our great partners. Thank you, thank you! Soon, we will have an official report and photos available for you. Money is still coming in, and we are still sending it out.
I have talked to you from the pulpit, our weekly TV broadcast, and this letter about the fact that each January, God gives us all a brand-new checkbook for the year. It only contains 12 checks labeled Jan–Dec. At every month’s end, on the stroke of midnight, that particular check goes into the history books, the annals of time, and into Heaven’s accounting department. That city of Glory has an amazing accounting department; they count and keep track of everything. They count the hairs on your head, the birds that fall from the sky, and every idle word we speak (uh oh…) and so on.
That is the thing about time on Earth: it runs out, it has an expiration date. Once the hands of time mark the day as done, we can never get it back—it is finished. Then, immediately, we start on the next check for the next month.
Only what we do for Christ and His Kingdom will last. All else is perishable. The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:18: “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” That word temporal means temporary; it won’t last. One translation says perishable! The Voice translation says it’s fleeting and will pass away, and the AMPC says it like this: “The things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.” So it is with our yearly checkbook from God. As the year of 2024 came to an end a few days ago, so did our checkbook have to report to the accounting department in Heaven. We must give an account of what we did with what we have. Were we pleased with our yearly report? Was
Heaven pleased?
We have just republished and reproduced my series, “The Basics of Faith,” and several friends and partners have suggested to me to encourage everyone to get and pour this series on faith into themselves. We need faith—real Bible faith—now more than ever. Faith pleases God, and Jesus said that He did only the things that please the Father. We can deduce that Jesus was a faith man and only moved and operated in faith. In fact, Jesus told us that when He returns to Earth, He will be looking for one thing: faith! (Luke 18:8).
Now, Paul tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God, so our job is to get faith, to get into the word of God, and to go to a church that is preaching the word of God! The church must produce that kind of faith by preaching the word of God uncompromisingly.
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says that we must examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not. Anytime and always, we absolutely must examine ourselves: are we operating in faith, talking faith, and acting in faith? Are we also pleasing the Father?
One last point here: Jeremiah 31:9 (AMPC): “They will come with weeping, pouring out prayers for the future.” Prayer and faith… On our weekly program the last few weeks, we have been going over a message I first preached at my friend Joseph Prince’s church in Singapore, New Creation Church. Such a critical and vital message: “Setting Your Course.”
You set your course in most everything you do—who you marry, where you go to church, etc. So many sweet Christians have not been back to church since COVID. Hebrews tells us to “forsake not the assembling of yourselves together…” Church attendance is vital for you, your loved ones, and for others coming to church. They need you, and it sets your course!
Here at the beginning of the year, January 2025, it is time to set your course for the year. Design it yourself. Of course, the way you do that is to “pour out prayers for the future” for the upcoming year, establish yourself in the basics of faith, examine yourself, see if you are in faith, get into faith, and stay there. Be determined to set your course for this year and refuse to let the devil turn you from it.
We are excited for this new year. America, and therefore the world, is coming back—it’s brighter, and we have a job to do. Israel pastors’ conference is coming up in the spring, as well as the Romania Gypsy pastors’ conference, and hopefully a Malta pastors’ conference for southern Europe and North Africa.
The terror attack in New Orleans, as all are, is from a demon spirit. Only the church is equipped to handle demons. Come on, church, let us take spiritual authority and put a stop to this. Also, the terrible fires in California have taken lives and property, leaving people with nothing. The people in North Carolina are still in trouble, and we are still helping. We have a job in front of us, and we can do it.
One major project, due to devastating earthquakes in the South Pacific, is to help very dear friends, James and Pattie Duininck-Ah Kui, and their Rhema School on the island of Vanuatu. The building has been destroyed and condemned by the government and must be torn down and rebuilt. The need there is $300,000–$400,000. That might be a stretch for just one or two of us, but it is no hill for a climber. We and God can do anything. We are not going to let this brave and faithful missionary couple go under. A lot of us together can do it: forty of us giving $10,000 (40 × $10,000 = $400,000) or 400 of us giving $1,000. Whatever you give to this worthy ministry the devil tried to destroy would be wonderful, but please pray
for them!
Setting our course for 2025,
Terry L. Mize