
September 2024

We have just returned from my beloved Mexico, where we celebrated the 102nd birthday of my Spiritual Father, Wayne Myers. What a great time with him and his two daughters, Rebecca Jacob and Paula Rowland, other members of the family, and so very many friends, some of whom I’ve known for many decades. We also ministered while there and filmed for our program along with brother Wayne as well.
1 Cor 9:2 the great Apostle Paul said, “If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.” I think it strange that people could come and hear Paul preach and not receive him as an Apostle, but they did. People also came to hear Jesus speak and did not receive Him… amazing!

Much of the church seems not to know or understand a great deal of the ministry offices or gifts, as referenced in Eph 4:11, “And He gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers.” These gifts or offices were the Idea of Jesus Himself. No man thought this up, it came directly from the heart of the Father and the heart of Jesus. He thought we needed them in the church, His church. These gifts keep the church balanced, well fed. A true balanced diet: not just one or two, but all the gifts perfect the saints and grow up the church to be healthy, well-equipped Christians. It is much like a mother serving her family a well-balanced meal. Not just green beans for every meal or just bread, for Jesus said, quoting from Deut. 8:3, “Man shall not live by bread alone…” Many wise pastors will bring in these varying gifts to strengthen the church. When I pastored decades ago, I brought in the ministers in the Biblical offices in the order that Paul gave us in Eph 4. First the Apostle, then the Prophet, then the Evangelist and so on. Then I repeated the cycle to give a well-balanced diet, to grow a strong and healthy church. This act allows the Holy Spirit to use these gifts to leave a Holy deposit that will stay in the church and put a crease in the people. You hear me use the word, “crease” a lot as it is so important. That’s what these offices do in the church, they crease the church and the people just as you take a piece of cloth and place it on the ironing board and crease it with a hot iron. When I was in the U. S. military, my uniforms were so starched and creased that they could stand up by themselves. This is what Father’s and Mother’s in the Faith do to us as well. My Spiritual Fathers, Mentors, and Generals, creased my life decades ago and I am still creased, still affected by, and still doing and living by those holy deposits that were invested in me!

Some do recognize and understand this of course. Many pastors have told me over the years that when I ministered in their church, I left a huge Apostolic deposit in the people and helped change or stabilize the church; to God be the Glory! One well known pastor asked me a few years ago, “Terry, I want you to commit to me to be in my church and my pulpit at least twice a year, because I need my people to be exposed to the apostolic anointing and gifting.” Others have said, “I want you in my church regularly as the people need to be exposed to an older minister that has lived it and succeeded, a veteran missionary statesman, a Father, or General (all their words, not mine) that has been there and done that. They realize how very important this is. The church needs to know her legacy, her heritage, where we came from and where we got what we have. We need the fellowship, and we are not the only fellow in the ship. We didn’t just make this up! I am so grateful for my Spiritual Fathers, my Mentors, my Apostles, my Prophets, my Evangelists, my Pastors and Teachers. Most of mine are in Heaven now, I’m almost an orphan. I have only two left, one is 102 years old, and the other is 87 years old. Thank God we still have these older anointings in the world today. We need to glean and feed off their ministries.

We continue to bless widows, orphans, the poor and those affected by humanitarian disasters. We just sent $5,000.00 to a pastor and head of an orphanage in Zimbabwe, Africa, as his home just burned to the ground. His family escaped with only the clothes on their backs. He continues to bless his orphanage, other orphanages, and the community with the water well we dug for him along with the tractor, plow/disk, and planter we bought for him through JMICF. Please keep this foundation in your prayers.

We have several projects in the works that must be finished, I know our partners, and you are good givers and some really love to get involved or take care of PROJECTS. Two major projects now include the remainder of the funds to purchase our new ministry vehicle we are believing for. We have money in the bank, and it is getting closer to the goal. If you are a project person and like to get involved with ministry vehicles this could be for you.

Next, we are holding a Pastors Conference in Israel, in November. We have 70 Israeli ministers registered and asking me to come and teach them “the word of faith.” Our budget for this is some $80,000.00. We are paying their hotel and food. We have already sent a deposit of $30,000.00 to the hotel, and we have $20,000.00 in the bank, leaving a balance of $30,000.00. This could be a historic project for you to get involved in. I believe these 70 pastors can change Israel.

For the only cause that counts,
Terry L Mize